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The Path Toward Self-Fulfillment

brene brown crying on the bathroom floor dana ruby martin happiness happy good life having fun how do we want to feel moving forward muve muve forward podcast q&a revival by martin and co self -image side tracked success Jul 15, 2021
The Path Towards Self Fulfillment

Today Dana and Michelle talk about self-image.

A question from listener, Melissa: I’ve built a good life, I’m fairly successful, I have the house, the dog and the two kids but I feel like I’m not happy with who I am. I don’t know what it is that would make me feel better but I know I have more to offer and I have many passions that I’d love to try but how to get started? I’m scared and confused with where to start. 

We’ve all been here, Melissa (even if it looks like crying on the bathroom floor). Don’t look at the entire mountain of your passions, take it one step at a time, so that it’s not overwhelming and you don’t start to make excuses toward your own self-fulfillment. 

We don’t know what the path is going to look like, to self-fulfillment. It’s about taking the first steps forward. 

On this episode we dive into: 

  • Filling our own cups
  • Getting side-tracked away from ourselves
  • Establishing healthy habits as a way to start working toward your bigger passions
  • Creating a self-image script
  • Asking ourselves, how do we want to feel?
  • What’s the most important thing for you to focus on right now? Pick that! 

The Take Home:

When it comes to following and embracing our passions, both Dana and Michelle urge us to take small steps and create small habits to achieve the bigger goals. Dana picks the “co-create” card and it reminds us to create and manifest our realities! 

When you’re setting your intentions, consider setting a mantra for yourself that starts with “I am”..

Journal Prompts:

How do you want to feel? What do you want your life to look like?

“Let go of who you think you are supposed to be and be who you are.”- Brene Brown

Ps. If you have something you’d like to ask us, send us a message and we’ll add it to our list!! Xx

Get in touch with Michelle or Dana: 

Michelle Wolfe

Instagram: @themichellewolfe

Muve Collective Instagram: @muvecollective



Dana Ruby Martin

Instagram: @danarubymartin


Stay tuned for the Gratitude Collection! And use code MUVE15 while you shop!


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