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Hugs for Health with Carolyn Ellis

canadian podcast hugging is medicine hugs for life muve forward podcast pandemic love physical touch podcasting toronto positive vibes safe hugs self help skin to skin Jun 14, 2021
Hugs for Health

On today’s episode, I chat with Carolyn Ellis, owner and founder of The Hug Glove! It's no secret that the past year and a half has been a crazy ride for everyone, but Carolyn didn’t let that stop her from seeing and hugging the ones she loves most! Carolyn used these unprecedented circumstances to get innovative and find new ways of living that resulted in her not only being able to hug her family, but help many other families hug it out, too! Listen to today’s episode to find out how!

On this episode we dive into: 

  • The importance of social interaction.
  • Getting innovative and staying positive through difficult times.
  • The power and health benefits of hugs.
  • How to conserve your energy.

The take-home: 

Carolyn credits her mother for her brilliant idea of The Hug Glove. Throughout the pandemic, she noticed that the lack of socializing and physical touch within her family was in and of itself, creating health concerns. Her strong desire to connect with her family again, and specifically with her mother - is what drove her to turn an old plastic sheet into a new way of loving on those you care about most. Carolyn recognized the importance of physical touch and the impact it has on our relationships and our health, so she made a decision and acted swiftly! Although she gained much praise for her brilliance throughout the last year and a half, there was another aspect to her newfound invention that she didn't see coming. 

There was a moment during Carolyn’s new venture when she was finding that although The Hug Glove was helping so many families, it was also being seen in a negative light by others. But, instead of taking these critiques to heart, Carolyn recognized that some people were simply in more pain than others, which is valid, so she didn’t let it slow her down!

Carolyn is an amazing example of not only someone who can adapt during hard times, but someone who refuses to let any type of negativity interfere with doing what she feels is best for herself and others. So how are you going to adapt when things get tough warriors? Will you be innovative? Will you continue to shine through when others attempt to darken your light? You all have the power within you! It’s only a matter of continuing to move forward!

Get in touch with with Carolyn Ellis


Instagram: @hug.glove

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