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If I Had A Million Dollars

financial freedom generational wealth how women view money million dollars mindset money mindset moving forward muve forward podcast rachel rodgers what would you do Jul 08, 2021
If I Had A Million Dollars

What would you do if you won the lottery? Michelle asks around and reflects on her own answers to this question. 

Michelle shares the 100 reasons why we should all be millionaires by using the book, We Should All Be Millionaires, by Rachel Rodgers, to outline the “why” behind having more money. Listen to the list of quotes she reads us and feel intense inspiration and motivation.

What is your why? Why do you want money? Knowing your WHY is the first step in financial success.

On this episode we dive into: 

  • Money holding us back 
  • What financial freedom means for you
  • Being financially independent and free to change the world
  • Changing generational scarcity 
  • The way women view money, and what they would do specifically 

The Take Home:

Michelle shares a valuable and profound list of quotes around money. Every single quote, from 1-100, will bring a sense of clarity, confidence and motivation for you. Consider your relationship with money, is it one of scarcity or abundance? Finding our why behind financial success is the first step in being financially abundant and secure. 

Journal Question:

What would your life look like if you had more money? Be very specific, down to the clothes you’ll buy, the number in your account, the people you’d share with, even the soft sheets you’ll buy yourself! 

Book Recommendation:

We Should All be Millionaires, Rachel Rodgers

Get in touch with Michelle Wolfe:

Instagram: @themichellewolfe

Muve Collective Instagram: @muvecollective


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