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Ignite Your Soul

bring in fun bring on the joy christmas emotional preperation finding adventure having a good time ignite your soul life is grand live on the wild side live well new tradition plan ahead Nov 26, 2021

Reflecting on her past life, Michelle feels nostalgic today. Questioning how she’s even alive after the insanely fun life she’s lived, she looks at her future with hope and curiosity. 

What can you do today to change things up, create excitement and joy in your life? Jump out of a plane? Bathe in extremely cold water? Whatever it is for you, take a chance on it to embrace change.

On this episode we dive into: 

  • Reflecting on your past to live your best future
  • Doing something exciting to ignite your soul
  • Plan ahead of the holiday season to support your mental health

The Take Away!

What have you done lately that excites your soul? Think about how you can adjust your traditions to support your community and make fun and exciting memories for you and your family.

Get in touch with Michelle Wolfe:





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