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Intuition is Your Super Power

dana ruby martin finding value follow your gut intutition local love muve forward podcast q&a podcast revival by martin and co show local small business super power toronto podcaster wooden watchs Jun 02, 2021
Intuition is your super power

Dana & Michelle are feeling in line and on fire with their business goals and experiences. 

A question from listener, Sandy: How do you know the difference between intuition and hormones or dreams? I often have crazy ideas and dreams come to me but if I followed them I’d be divorced, out of work and living on a beach. 

From Dana, intuition is not concerned with reason. Logic and reason are not always involved when intuition takes over. So if you find yourself reasoning your way through something, it’s likely you’re not feeling intuitive. 

Michelle says, when you are really in tune with your body and intuition, you can often differentiate between intuition and a “crazy idea.” But, if an idea keeps surfacing for you, it might be a good idea to explore what it means for you.

On this episode we dive into: 

  • Dana’s business, Revival by Martin and Co, and how it’s gaining momentum
  • How the feminine energy is flowing right now
  • Intuition versus reason and logic 
  • Fearing our intuition 
  • Finding our value 

The Take Home:

Collectively, women have starved their intuition for many years. It will take work for us to continue to listen to our intuition and use it as a force to guide us forward. Listening to our true intuition can be scary, and fear may get in the way of us facing the decisions we know we need to make. As a society, we don’t value intuition, but it is a strong, magical force that should be honored. 

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that donors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” -Albert Einstein

Ps. If you have something you’d like to ask us, send us a message and we’ll add it to our list!! Xx

Get in touch with Michelle or Dana: 

Michelle Wolfe

Instagram: @themichellewolfe

Muve Collective Instagram: @muvecollective


Dana Ruby Martin

Instagram: @danarubymartin


Stay tuned for the Gratitude Collection! 

Support small businesses and head over to and use my discount code MUVE15 when purchasing a watch. The business gives back to help provide families with clean water as well as Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. 



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