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A Boobs Life With Leslie Lehr

a boob's life body positivity breast cancer breast health cancer survivor leslie lehr muve forward podcast reduce stress sharing life stories May 10, 2021
A Boobs Life with Leslie Lehr

On today’s episode, I chat with Leslie Lehr; Mother, cancer survivor, and author of, A Boobs Life. Leslie tells her story and experience of surviving breast cancer and how it led to her uncovering vast knowledge about breasts, throughout history. She dives into how advertising and culture made breasts into more than just a body part and how America’s obsession with them, has literally changed all of us! 

“I could think of every stage of my life according to what my boobs had gone through!” She says. 

On this episode we dive into: 

  • Leslie’s experience with breast cancer.
  • The use of breasts in advertising.
  • Body positivity for women.
  • Breastfeeding and well, all the things surrounding this topic! 
  • The cliche of nipples.
  • Relationship dynamics and biology.
  • How stress impacts breasts. 
  • The importance of meditation and breathing techniques.

The take-home: 

Leslie attributes the success with her latest novel, A Boobs Life, to not only her experience as a breast cancer survivor, but to what she had learned about America’s obsession with breasts. 

Drawing parallels between breasts and the seemingly never-changing taboo surrounding them, Leslie believes that at the end of the day, what’s most important is doing what you believe is best for you

Prioritizing yourself, practicing self-care, and minimizing stress are just a few of the things we have control over when it comes to our wellness and the health of our breasts. Sometimes a shift in perspective is all we need to start making these changes!

Get in touch with with: Leslie Lehr

Business Instagram: @leslielehr1 


Leslie's book, “A Boobs Life”: How America's Obsession Shaped Me... and You: 

Episode Mentions: Michelle and Shelby Hayle launch the Come Together Mastermind May 10th. Sign up for our bi-weekly zoom sessions here:


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