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Michelle Shares HUGE News!

big decisons big news changing careers changing paths fork in the road in with the new letting go making decisions quickly mental health michellewolfe moving forward muve collective muve forward podcast out with the old podcasting 101 rmt tips for success toronto influencer Apr 23, 2021
Michelle Shares Huge news

Today Michelle shares some huge news with her followers! She has been practicing as a registered massage therapist in Ontario for over 14 years. She started to feel stagnant in her career about four years ago. Although she excelled in her profession, and enjoyed helping others, she felt the urge to move forward and onward.

Michelle shares with us her mental process around making the decision to leave her massage therapy profession. What will her friends and family think? Is she ready to leave behind RMT letters after her name? 

On this episode we dive into: 

  • The decision making process around a huge life change, especially when it comes to our identity 
  • Differentiating between laziness and lack of interest; is it an energetic block or is it time to move on?
  • The elation and liberation from finally committing to a life-changing decision
  • Literally speaking your truth out loud to see what it brings up for you

The Take Home:

The reason we take time to make huge life shifts in our lives is likely because, if it’s tied to our identity, there is a world of unknowns waiting on the other side for us. Do we embrace that unknown territory or do we stay where we are, hoping things will change? How long do we allow things to take up space in our life, even if it no longer serves us?

We are living in a world of endless possibilities. We always have the ability to evolve and recreate ourselves if we feel like something isn’t right. 

If you’re looking at getting into the “Millionaire Michelle” mindset, send her an email. She’d love to help coach you through a huge life shift. 

Get in touch with Michelle:

Michelle Wolfe

Instagram: @themichellewolfe

Muve Collective Instagram: @muvecollective


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Kids Change Kids 

Instagram: @kidschangekids


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