Time Management as a Form of Self Care
Jun 03, 2021
Everything is taking more time for us to accomplish right now. A simple task, like going to the bank, can take three times as long as it used to.
Managing our time is important but not always in our control. So, being mindful about the way we talk about the time we can control, might help. Thoughts like, “I don’t have enough time,” or limiting language around time, puts us into a scarcity mindset. If we change the way we simply talk about time, it can make a huge difference in our lives.
Is there a way to manage or delegate mundane household chores, to allow more time for you? Whether its star gazing, going for walks in nature or sharing jokes with your family, this is living, and these things feed your soul. You deserve to spend more time on the things that bring you joy.
On this episode we dive into:
- Time management is key in finding time for self care
- Asking ourselves, what are the simple things that bring you joy everyday?
- Making time for you
- Living before we die
- What is fulfilling for us
- Being part of a community, like the Muve Collective platform
The take-home:
Wanting more for your life is healthy. Try living more days that feel like it’s the best day of your life. Ultimately, you are in control of your day. There are many things that we can’t change. But, be mindful of the things that you can change and fill that time with more joy!
“In today’s rush, we think too much, seek too much, want too much, and forget about the joy of just being.” -Eckhart Tolle
Get in touch with Michelle:
The Muve Collective: www.themichellewolfe.com
Instagram: @themichellewolfe
Collective Instagram: @muvecollective
Email: [email protected]
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