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Leaning into Community with Shelby Hayle

building community come together mastermind creating a tribe improving business life hacks muve collective muve forward podcast round table talks shelby hayle the hayle co. toronto mastermind May 03, 2021
Leaning into community with Shelby Hayle

On today’s episode, I chat with my girl, Shelby Hayle! No stranger to being a guest on the show, Shelby opens up about the importance of learning through Masterminds and leaning into community in order to manifest the life of your dreams! Shelby attests her continued growth and success to hiring a coach and being part of mastermind communities that held her accountable to achieving the things she desires. 

On this episode we dive into: 

  • What a Mastermind is and how it can take the guesswork out of, “doing the work.”
  • How Masterminds help to shift your perspective and change your life. 
  • Developing a business mindset.
  • How to thrive in your community.
  • Building the life you truly desire.
  • How to manifest your way out of debt. 
  • How Shelby created a six-figure business while on maternity leave.
  • The Hayle Family’s Real Estate investing journey (and how I am now a part of that!)
  • Finding relationships that help you grow and challenge you.

The take-home: 

Living a life you love is possible. In fact, living a life you love is your birthright. You can have anything you desire if you believe it is within your reach. If you’re not there yet, but you are so ready to be … find yourself a community of like-minded people who are focused on leaning into their truth, too. [ hint: this mastermind is for you

People come in and out of our lives when we most need it. It’s no coincidence that Shelby and I met when we did - and where we did (at a mastermind event!) - so it’s incredible that our friendship has now come full circle and we are launching this mastermind together, in hopes that hundreds … no, thousands, of these types of relationships come from it too!

It’s a life-changing opportunity to be surrounded by people who think like you. Who want more like you. Who do the work like you. But, they also need a little more love like you. This is how you start to attract more of what you want in life! We want to show people that it is possible to enjoy the heck out of every day of your life - to live it with purpose and passion. This community already has your back, and we’re so excited to watch you thrive! 


What’s Included:

There’s a spot at the table for you, come join us! 


Get in touch with Shelby Hayle: 

Email: [email protected]

Business Instagram: @thehayleco & @shelbyhayle


The Hayle Co Website:

Get in touch with Michelle Wolfe: 

The Muve Collective:

Instagram: @themichellewolfe 

Collective Instagram: @muvecollective

Email: [email protected]


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